About Ania Rybacka
Ania Rybacka is a polish multi-genre vocalist, and award winning jazz musician, who has been recognised for her storytelling and creativity at vocal competitions in Finland, Poland, Germany, and Turkey. Graduating from the danish Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Ania has spend the last seven years living in Denmark, performing with artists and constellations such as the Odense Symphony Orchestra, the Danish Radio Big Band, Adam Rudolph, Kresten Osgood, Anders Filipsen, Stefan Pasborg, Frederik Lundin, the Nephilim Ensemble, the vocal ensemble GLAS, Holmens Kantori, and many others. She released her first album ‘Synesthesia’ (2014, Hevhetia) with original music as a part of the trio Sphere, and since 2015 she has been working on the study of voice/movement improvisation, which lead to her second album Havet (2017 ForTune records) in the improvising duo The Art Of Escapism.
More facts:
- Ania performed on stage for the first time when she was only 4 years old. Since then, music and art have been her inseparable companions. Through 20 years of music education she has received training in composition, arrangement, music theory, jazz, folk and classical music, piano, opera singing, performance and artistic leadership. From her early age she was a member of children musical group, folk dance group, choirs, youth brass orchestra and many smaller formations allowing her to explore the secrets of performance.
- She has two master degrees: in Music Performance from Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen (2016), and in psychology from University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (2010). Her master thesis in psychology focuses on life-quality among polish jazz musicians and is titled: "Jazz-my life. Experience in musician’s role and its influence on self-structure and cognitive-emotional adaptation." She works both as an artist and as a therapist, and you can read about her clinical practice here: www.annarybacka.dk
- Working with different genres, exploring folk music from all over the world, and having a playful approach to the voice allows Ania to freely operate with different vocal techniques. Within the same day, she can sing Vivaldi with orchestra in church, participate in Bulgarian choir rehearsal using white voice, and play a swing concert at a jazz club. She’s always dreamt of a music world without labels and genres, rules and limitations, where one can truly express herself in her full complexity.
- In 2011 Ania Rybacka was awarded with artistic scholarship by Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, and in 2012 by Danish Karen and Arthur Feldthusens Fondation For Young Singers And Pianists. Her projects are also supported by Danish Composers Association (KODA), Danish Musicians Association (DMF) and other public organisations.